going meta

>> 5.21.2009

I don't often talk about this blog, in this blog.  At least, not beyond restating and reinforcing the purpose and driving force behind the many thousands of words I've burned over the past few months: to revive the spirit of fandom in the Lions faithful.  To remind everyone that rooting for our team is supposed to bring us pride and joy, not just a cue to "boo".  To build and tend a little blue fire, where real Lions fans can gather--even as the searing cold wind of 0-16 swirls around us--and feel warmth on our face, and smile.

Well, I hope the crowd around the fire's about to get a little bit bigger.  I'm happy to announce that I'm writing for Scout.com's new BlueBlog, a news blog that's tied in to Scout's Roar Report website and Lions Den forum.  The focus of the BlueBlog is the polar opposite of this one; it's a group-written (as of now, five contributors) news blog that aims to gather all the most interesting Lions news into one space, with a dollop of analysis on the side.  Here are the answers to your immediate questions:

1) The Lions in Winter will continue on, exactly as it is: thorough analysis and passionate thoughts, voiced solely by me; thought-provoking discussion between everyone who gathers here.  There should be no dropoff in quality or quantity in this space.

2) You won't see my content from the BlueBlog syndiated here, and I won't be pimping my posts here over there.  There may be a feedburned sidebar or something somewhere on this site, just to provide you folks  the constant stream of quick-hit news that I've never been able to provide.

3) TLIW is not now a Scout-affiliated site, or anything like that.  My words here are unsponsored (except by you!), uncensored, unofficial, and free--and always will be.

The BlueBlog is in the middle of a "soft launch", which basically means it's still in the process of getting off the ground.  There've been regular contributions going up for almost a week, the authors are still getting used to each other's writing styles and rhythms, we just started telling Scout subscribers about it today, and the "real" (a.k.a, attractive and professional) site template isn't quite ready for prime time yet.  Still, there's plenty of stories up there already; I hope you all will find it a useful first-stop resource for Lions information.


Neil May 21, 2009 at 1:32 PM  

Congrats, Ty.

I'll be sure to check out the site, and I'm sure it will be great.

Ty Schalter May 21, 2009 at 1:43 PM  

Thanks, Neil! I sure hope it will be great. In the meantime, I'm hoping that the extra research (and punchier writing) required to hold up my end of the deal over there will make the stuff over here much better.


Jimmerz,  May 21, 2009 at 1:57 PM  

Congrats Ty. Well deserved and I was wondering when you would get noticed.

Ty Schalter May 21, 2009 at 3:51 PM  

Thanks, Jimmerz! I really appreciate it. We'll see exactly how much impact this has, exactly, on the Lions blogosphere, but the potential is nearly unlimited.


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